Boathouse and Cottage Safety Tips

Published Date
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Tips for electrical safety at your boathouses & docks at the cottage

Electric shock can happen anywhere electricity is present - in the boathouse, on the dock itself and in the water. Electrical installations and equipment near water should be checked regularly and maintained to ensure they're safe and comply with Ontario Electrical Safety Code requirements. 

  • Check over any electrical systems you have installed on your dock
  • If any issues are found immediately turn off the power at the electrical panel and contact a Licensed Electrical Contractor for repairs. 
  • Use marine cords with a ground pin and never use frayed or damaged cords
  • Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) need to be used for all outlets that supply any outdoor equipment, appliances and tools. Ensure to test the outlet as required.
  • Use cover plates for outdoor outlets to help keep water and debris out of the outlet and prevent electrical shocks.

Hiring the right person for electrical work at the cottage: 

  • Hire a licensed electrical contractor for any work that you may need done at the cottage.
  • Visit the Electrical Safety Authority's website for more information: Hiring a Licenced Electrical Contactor

For more safety tips please click here.