Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with Niagara Peninsula Energy.
Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with Niagara Peninsula Energy.
Click here to visit the Ontario Energy Board Bill Calculator.
Click here to see a PDF of the back of your electricity bill, click here.
This is the cost of the electricity supplied to you during a billing period and is part of the bill that is subject to competition. It appears on the bill as Tiers if on Regulated Price Plan, Retailer line item if you signed a Retailer Contract for a set term, or Market Price (Ontario Hourly price) if you elect market price or are a General Service >50kW commercial account.
If you are on the Regulated Price Plan the consumption threshold for Residential customers will change twice a year (based on loss adjusted kWh). Prices per kWh are determined by the Ontario Energy Board. Prices are based on a forecast of future electricity prices and the Global Adjustment.
If you are on a Retailer Contract, a Retailer line item will appear on your bill.
If on Market Price (Ontario Hourly Price), the consumption and rate will appear on your bill.
The Global Adjustment provides both adequate energy supply and green energy for Ontario. It accounts for differences between the market price and the rates paid to regulated and contracted generators and for conservation and demand management programs. As a result, its value may be positive or negative, depending on the fluctuation of prices in the spot market. The Global Adjustment is calculated monthly by the independent Electricity System Operator. For more information on the Global Adjustment or to view historical prices, visit the IESO (
This charge, approved by the Ontario Energy Board includes: Distribution Costs (monthly service charge and distribution volumetric charges) which represent the cost to deliver electricity to your home or business; Transmission Costs (retail transmission network and retail transmission connection) which represent the costs to deliver electricity from generating stations to Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. along a high-voltage transmission system (called the transmission grid.)
A flat rate that Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. charges to provide service to your location.
This is a variable rate charge by Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. that is based on the amount of electricity you consume (based on actual kWh/kW).
A regulated charge for the operation of the network of high voltage transmission lines across Ontario (based on loss adjusted kWh).
A regulated charge for the connection to the high voltage network which transmits electricity to Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. (based on loss adjusted kWh).
The costs of administering the wholesale electricity system and maintaining the reliability of the provincial grid and includes the costs associated with funding Ministry Of Energy and infrastructure conservation and renewable energy programs. Costs include Wholesale Market Service and Standard Supply Service charge.
A regulated charge that Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. must pay to the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), based on loss adjusted kWh.
This is a small flat monthly fee for customers on Standard Supply Service to cover the utility's administrative costs to provide electricity bills to consumers.
The actual amount of electricity you consumed. It is measured by your meter in kWh.
Reflects the losses that occur naturally to the entire electrical system. It is calculated by multiplying your actual kWh metered consumption by an OEB approved loss factor.