Tree Trimming

Tree limbs growing around power lines leaving a clear distance between the two

If you notice a tree that is interfering with our power lines or poses a hazard, report it to 1-877-270-3938.


When trees are close enough to potentially contact overhead power lines, public safety and the uninterrupted supply of electricity can be compromised. NPEI has a responsibility to ensure its electricity distribution system is safe and that it operates reliably. We must also ensure that our equipment can withstand extreme weather events such as high winds and heavy snowfall and ice.


  • The tree or branches are smoking, sparking, or burning on a power line
  • The tree is an immediate hazard to the line (split, leaning, hanging over, uprooted)
  • The tree is leaning on a hydro pole.

NEVER attempt to prune or cut down a tree near power lines. A tree falling onto a power line can cause serious injury or death. Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc will be happy to connect you with a qualified, insured professional.


NPEI is responsible to maintain tree clearance around all its distribution lines that are located on the public road allowance and easements.  NPEI currently operates a vegetation management program that identifies tree pruning cycles that range from 4 to 5 years. Tree growth rates vary for different species and will require different pruning amounts to maintain a 3.0m (10 FT.) clearance from branches and primary power lines. 

NPEI may also trim trees to provide clearance around NPEI owned overhead secondary service lines on private property. Customers are cautioned not to trim trees in proximity to power lines and Customers concerned about tree clearance within 1.0m (3 FT.) of their overhead service lines may request NPEI to trim trees to provide 1.0m of clearance at no cost to the Customer.

Per the Ontario Electricity Act, Section 40 (4), where necessary, NPEI will perform trimming of customer owned trees and vegetation to maintain clearance from the distribution lines, however, overall responsibility for the tree and removal of dead trees remains with the property owner.

Apart from maintaining clearance to NPEI owned assets, NPEI is not responsible for tree trimming or maintenance of trees and vegetation on customer property. This is the responsibility of the property owner. 

Tree trimming and maintenance of clearance to customer-owned power lines on customer property is the responsibility of the property owner.  We recommend that property owners hire a qualified contractor to do vegetation management work near power lines and contact us to temporarily disconnect the electrical service during maintenance. We will temporarily disconnect your electricity service for free once per calendar year.

For more information, see our Tree and Vegetation Information Sheet here.