Published Date
Monday, November 18, 2019

Customer Alert:


NIAGARA FALLS (November 18, 2019) Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. (NPEI) would like our customers to be aware that NPEI is receiving reports of our customers getting phone calls from these Fraudsters.  Fraudsters are stating to our customers that they owe outstanding money on their bills and that they need to phone a number and provide their account number and credit card information or else their power will be disconnected.

A non NPEI phone number is being utilized to make a payment using a pre-paid card or bitcoin. When customers call this non NPEI phone number, they hear a phone message that is very similar to what they’d hear if they called NPEI.


We want to remind our customers that NPEI never threatens to disconnect power immediately.


We also never proactively ask for payment by pre-paid card and we don’t accept bitcoin. Customers should not share any account information or make payments. Simply hang up.

If you suspect you’re a target of fraudulent activity, we encourage you to report it to our Customer Service Representative and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.


NPEI Customer Care                                                          Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
1-877-270-3938                                                                           1-888-495-8501
Monday-Friday 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m                                           


For more information, please contact

Sue Forcier, Vice-President of Communications

Tel: 905-356-2681 Ext. 6001


Cell# 905-651-2930