Lifting of the Disconnection Ban for Residential Customers

Published Date
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

A provincial government winter disconnection ban for residential customers was in effect since November 15, 2020.

Following the Ontario government's province wide 'Stay-at-Home Order,' the Ontario Energy Board extended the winter disconnection ban, initially scheduled to end April 30, 2021, to June 2, 2021 for all residential customers. Effective June 3, 2021, all utilities were authorized to resume their residential collection and disconnection practices and procedures.

NPEI realizes that some customers may be experiencing financial uncertainty during these difficult times, and chose to further extend residential collection and disconnection activity to July 5, 2021.

Please keep in mind that disconnection is the absolute last resort for our company and we want you to know that we are here to help.

If you are having difficulty keeping up with your bills, please contact the Customer Service Team at 1-877-270-3938 or email us at to discuss the options available to you, such as flexible payment arrangements, and financial assistance programs that you may be eligible for.

Stay Connected to us so that we can help!