Safely Maintaining Your Yard

Published Date
Friday, July 8, 2022

It's important to always be aware of any electrical hazards that may be close by when completing any yard work or home maintenance.

  •          Be careful when using ladders to prune trees, trim bushes and clean eavestroughts.
  •          Carry ladders sideways to prevent inadvertent contact with overhead powerlines.
  •          Contact NPEI to arrange for the power to be disconnected FREE once per calendar year when you have hired a qualified contractor to do vegetation management work near powerlines.
  •          View the Electrical Safety Authority Vegetation Management Around Powerlines guidelines

Call NPEI for your free disconnect once per year or when you notice a tree that is interfering with NPEI powerlines.

For information on tree trimming please click here.

Toll Free: 1-877-270-3938