Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with Niagara Peninsula Energy.
Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc is a community-minded organization. Likewise, our employees are also civic-minded. We are proud of their efforts as volunteers in our communities. Niagara Peninsula Energy employees act as coaches for children's sports, volunteers for festivals and parades, and are members of various service clubs in our communities. Additionally, our employees volunteer their time and donate their money through our own Niagara Peninsula Energy Social Club, with organizations such as Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Niagara Falls, GNGH Foundation, Canadian Cancer Society, United Way of Niagara Falls and St. Catharines, Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club of Lincoln, Heart Niagara and Project Share benefiting from their efforts.
Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc is committed to provide excellent customer service to our customers and being an active participant in the growth and vitality of our Community.
To find out more about our Capital Projects in the community, take a look at our Capital Projects Page.
In keeping with Niagara Peninsula Energy's pledge to make a difference in the communities where team members live and work and the importance of supporting educational and academic achievements of our Niagara Youth, we have established an Energy Student Award.
This $1,500 Award is presented to students completing Grade 12 at a Niagara Regional High School with the intent to pursue energy-related studies at a College or University.
"Electrical Safety For Our Youngsters is a Concern For All"
Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc is pleased to offer electrical safety presentations through Electricity Safety & Conservation to elementary school students in grades JK through Grade 8.
The presentations deal with electrical safety & conservation in the school, at home and outdoors around utility poles, towers and substations. We take the opportunity to touch on other general safety & conservation issues as well.